(ENW - Effects of Nuclear Weapons (Chapter and paragraph))
ENW: 2.04 The fireball from a 1 Megaton nuclear weapon would appear to an observer 50 miles away to be many times more brilliant than the sun at noon.
Direct Weapons Effects
EMP Electromagnetic Pulse Initial Nuclear Radiation
Residual Weapons Effects
The Effects of Nuclear Weapons Online
The Effects of Nuclear War - Office of Technology Assessment - Online
The Effects of Nuclear War @ Amazon.com
The Environmental Effects Of Nuclear War @ Amazon.com
ENW: 2.05 Within seven-tenths of a millisecond from the detonation, the fireball from a 1-megaton weapon is about 440 feet across, and this increases to a maximum value of about 7,200 feet in 10 seconds.
Estimated number of nuclear warheads worldwide in 2023, by country and deployment status
In the air burst explosions (approx 1850 ft. roughly 18 Kt weapons) over Hiroshima and Nagasaki solid materials on the ground were heated to 3,000 to 4,000 degrees C (5,400 to 7,200 F). From: ENW 7.31
Heat from a 1 Megaton detonation can start fires 11 miles away. From: ENW 7.47
Little Boy (Hiroshima 8/6/1945 9,700 lbs) and Fat Man (Nagasaki 08/09/1945 10,800 lbs)
Old Fallout Map
Where are All the Nuclear Bunkers?.
."You essentially had these two competing models," Garrett said. "The socialist model, embraced by not just the Soviet Union but also Scandinavia, involved massive investment into the creation of government installations that would preserve the lives of citizens."
He continued: "In more free market–inclined countries like the United States and the United Kingdom, bunkers were built for politicians, for elites, for wealthy people in positions of power. There was very little provision made for the general public."
Nuclear Power Plants